Staff Picks

Why we share what inspires us

At OHMY, we've cultivated a weekly tradition of sharing 'staff picks' - a curated selection of what's caught our eye. It's a practice that extends beyond our studio, offering a considered dose of inspiration to the wider creative community.

Diverse Inspirations for Creative Minds

Our inspiration comes from everywhere. A piece of music, a film, a novel design, or even an ludicrously sized piece of cake—anything that sparks our creativity gets shared. the world around us.

Nurturing Collective Growth

We share our finds with a purpose: to contribute to the broader dialogue on creativity and design. Our attempt at fostering collective growth, where the exchange of ideas benefits the entire creative ecosystem.

Building a Supportive Community

We want our social shares to be more than just giving props. They’re about creating a network of creative minds that support and inspire each other. There’s huge value in showcasing the work of others; it’s a way of saying we’re all in this together, learning from and contributing to the collective consciousness.

A Culture of Open Exchange

This practice of sharing has become an integral part of our studio culture. Our internal channels hum with a steady stream of thoughtful discoveries. It’s not just an internal morale booster; it's a reflection of our studio's ethos - one that values open exchange over guarded practices. Collaboration over competition.

Join in

We're sharing these curated inspirations beyond our studio walls. Find us on Instagram or subscribe to our monthly newsletter, The Debrief.  

Engage, share your own, and let’s create a space where creativity is fuelled by a shared enthusiasm for discovery.



Joe Burke

About OHMY

OHMY is a design and technology studio that builds brands and digital products. We help established businesses and startups to give meaningful answers to their most challenging questions.